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COVID 19 has brought about widespread closures for many types of commercial and public buildings plus restaurants, pubs and leisure centres - and for these venues the continuing uncertainty of restricted opening. 

Washroom hygiene during these long closures will have meant that many washrooms will have remained untouched, and toilets may not have been maintained properly. This will result in many issues such as bad odours, staining of surfaces and bacterial growth. 

Drains therefore require to be flushed through on a regular basis to remove urine otherwise uric acid can pose a problem as it forms a solid cement substance that blocks pipework. Sluicing is essential and or converting to such products as waterless urinals whether it be a new installation or retro fit. Removal of the trap is key to keeping odours in check. 

Treating uric acid build up with a specially designed cleaner that can degrade organic waste, can help remove stains and dissolve blockages. It will also remove the source of bad odours.

The COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced, it has made the desire for a clean washroom not only a ‘nice to have', it is now an essential.

Maintaining a clean washroom environment will go a long way for businesses once people start to get back to normal life. Research has shown a strong correlation between washroom hygiene and consumer perception of a venue, with unhygienic washrooms reflecting badly on a venue which is now essential during this pandemic. 

As venues prepare to reopen, visitor perception of cleanliness is key to how they see the business or venue as a whole. Most people complain about the facilities directly but increasingly this is on a social media platform which can devastate the reputation of a hotel, bar or restaurant. 

Therefore cleanliness is a key driver to help a premises reopen after a lockdown period and such cleaners such as antibacterial hard surface cleaner along with measures of installing waterless urinals and increased automated function products such as sensor taps, soap dispensers and UV-C light with hepa filter hand dryers.

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Vine Environmental

Vine Environmental Ltd

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